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리비아, 지점 설립안내
  • 경제·무역
  • 리비아
  • 트리폴리무역관 송선근
  • 2009-05-25
  • 출처 : KOTRA


리비아, 지점 설립안내

- 일부 분야 리비아 파트너와 합작주식회사 구성해야 -




 정보 내용


  리비아 정부는 최근 리비아 주재 주요 외국공관을 통해 외국기업의 리비아  지점 및 연락사무소 설치와 관련된 상세한 내용을 통보함. 주요 내용은 지점 및 연락사무소 설치에 필요한 서류, 지점 설립 허용·금지분야, 지점 설립에 반드시 리비아 파트너와 합작주식을 구성해야 하는 분야, 최소 자본금 등임.


  한국기업이 주로 리비아에 진출하고 있는 건설·발전·통신분야 등은 외국인 지점 설립이 허용되는 분야이나 한국기업 단독으로 지점을 설립하지 못하고 반드시 리비아 파트너와 합작주식을 설립하도록 의무화하고 있어 리비아 진출 시 유망 리비아 파트너 발굴이 요망됨. 또한 지점 책임자급은 리비아인으로 임명돼야 함.


  리비아 지점 및 연락소 설립 등록은 리비아 산업경제무역부에 해야 하며, 구체적인 등록절차는 리비아 공식 대행회사를 통해 진행해야 함.


□ 리비아 지점 개설에 필요한 서류


 1. A statement expressing the decision by the company’s board of administration to open a branch for the company in the GJ. The statement shall include the following.

  a) Identification of the type of activity to be taken up  in the GJ. The selected type of activity shall be in line with the practice of the parent company as well as within the domain of activities which the branches of foreign companies are entitled to practice in Libya.

  b) The sum that has been allotted to the establishment of the company’s branch as well as its management. The sum shall be not less than LD 150,000.(one-hundred and fifty-thousand Libyan dinars)(US$ 1=LD 1.3)

  c) The names of the director and deputy director of the company’s branch. Either of them shall be a Libyan national.

  d) The (location of the) HQs of the company’s branch in the GJ


 2. A certified copy of the parent company’s articles of partnership and articles of association


 3. Original trade registration record, with a recent date, provided by the authority which provided the permit to the parent company or the Chamber of Commerce in the countries that have no trade registration bureaus.


 4. A pledge by the parent company’s board of administration on preparation of the branch’s annual budget and its profits and losses accounts


 5. A pledge by the parent company not to interfere in the political affairs of the GJ


 6. Information on the company’s expertise in the activities it intends to take up in the GJ.


 ㅇ Remarks

  - The required documents shall be enclosed with an official covering letter addressed to the Department of Companies and Trade Registration.

  - All the submitted documents shall be original.

  - The documents that are written in a foreign language shall be attested by the Libyan People’s Bureau in the country of the parent company.

  - In the GJ, the documents shall be translated by a legal translator and attested by the Attestation Office of the Directorate-General of Consular Affairs.

  - The application shall include a letter issued by a Libya-based bank affirming the transfer of the equivalent of LD150, 000 to that bank.


□ 리비아 지점 개설이 허용되는 분야


 1. The Oil Sector

  ① Oil exploration including surveying of soil strata by geological, geophysical, geochemical and other means

  ② Oil drilling

  ③ Checking and analysis of data, presentation of geological studies

  ④ Construction of reservoirs, oil and gas pumping stations and the relevant protection works

  ⑤ Construction of floating marine platforms for oil and gas exploration

  ⑥ Installation of oil refineries and petrochemical plants

  ⑦ Demining work at the oil fields


 2. Surveying and Planning

  ① Surveying and cartography work by various means and for various purposes

  ② Provision of engineering consultancy work in the planning of urban and other residential areas


 3. Sustenance of the Environment

  ① Construction of stations that are used for environmental repair

  ② Treatment and conversion of waste materials and construction of waste treatment and recycling stations

  ③ Treatment of environmental pollution and installation of the relevant equipment

  ④ Treatment of the osmosis of sea-water with underground water. Maintenance of water conveyance and water drainage systems


 4. Computers

  ① Installation of electronic control systems. Design, manufacture and maintenance of their software


 5. Consultancies and Technical Studies

  ① Conducting studies on IT, Telcom and control systems. Provision of the relevant consultations

  ② Supervision of implementation of the relevant consultancy work

  ③ Conducting technical and financial assessments for the grand projects for the purpose of identification of the value of their stocks in the stock exchange

  ④ Design of big hi-tech projects in terms of installation and operation


 6. Healthcare

  ① Installation, maintenance and calibration of medical equipment


□ 리비아 지점 개설 시 리비아 파트너와 합작주식회사를 구성해야 하는 분야


 1. Contracts and civil engineering work including construction and building


 2. Electric power


 3. Oil services(in the areas of maintenance, shipment, provision, oil well services, manufacture of drilling and exploration equipment, design and construction of oil and gas pipelines)


 4. Transportation and communications


 5. Industry, agriculture, animal and marine resources


□ 리비아 지점 개설이 금지되는 분야


 1. Trading, wholesale and retail sale of commodities and goods


 2. Purveyance


 3. Marine and trade agencies


□ 리비아 연락사무소 개설에 필요한 서류


 1. A statement expressing the decision by the company’s board of administration to open a representative office for the company in the GJ


 2. The company’s articles of partnership and articles of association


 3. The name of the Director of the Representative Office, to be submitted with the above-mentioned statement or separately. The Director of the Representative Office must by a holder of the nationality of the (parent) company or a Libyan national.


 4. A newly-issued document of the company’s trade registration or a registration certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce in case of absence of a Trade Registration Office in the country (of the parent company)


 ㅇ Remarks

  - The required documents shall be enclosed with an official covering letter addressed to the Department of Companies and Trade Registration.

  - All the submitted documents shall be original.

  - The documents that are written in a foreign language shall be attested by the Libyan People’s Bureau in the country of the parent company.

  - In the GJ, the documents shall be translated by a legal translator and attested by the Attestation Office of the Directorate-General of Consular Affairs.



자료원 : 리비아 산업경제무역부 등 센터 종합

<저작권자 : ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA 해외시장뉴스>

공공누리 제 4유형(출처표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지) - 공공저작물 자유이용허락

KOTRA의 저작물인 (리비아, 지점 설립안내)의 경우 ‘공공누리 제4 유형: 출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지’ 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 다만, 사진, 이미지의 경우 제3자에게 저작권이 있으므로 사용할 수 없습니다.

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