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나이지리아 AGIP, 가스공급 프로젝트 입찰자격 사전심사 실시
  • 경제·무역
  • 나이지리아
  • 라고스무역관 박영하
  • 2007-01-31
  • 출처 : KOTRA

나이지리아 AGIP, 가스공급 프로젝트 입찰자격 사전심사 실시

- 2007.2.15(목) 참가신청 마감, 2009년 말 까지 완공해야 -


보고일자 : 2007.1.30

박영하 라고스무역관




 Ο 세계적인 석유 메이저 AGIP의 나이지리아 현지 법인인 Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited(NAOC)가 최근, B-LNG Upstream 가스공급 프로젝트의 EPC(Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning) 계약에 관심 있는 기업들을 입찰자격 사전 심사에 초청한다고 발표했음.


 Ο NAOC가 추진하고 있는 B-LNG Upstream 가스공급 프로젝트 EPC 입찰은 "Plant and Flow Stations 업그레이드 및 신규 Flow Station 건설"에 대한 것으로, 그 내용은 다음과 같음.

  - EPC for Land Area Flow Stations Upgrading(KWALE, OSHIE and OB / OB)

  - EPC for Swamp Area Flow Stations Revamping(CLOUGH-CREEK and OBAMA)

  - EPC for Flow Stations Revamping in Unitized Area(SAMABRI-BISENI)

  - EPC for Flow Stations Upgrading in Unitized Area(AKRI-OGUTA)


 Ο 한편, NAOC의 입찰자격 사전심사 참가 대상은 나이지리아 현지에서 설립된 기업으로 나이지리아 석유자원성(Department of Petroleum Resources)의 면허를 보유하고 있는 기업이거나 또는, 현재 나이지리아 기업과 계약 관계를 맺고 있는 외국 기업들로 제한돼 있음.


 Ο 이에 따라, 나이지리아 진출 경험이 없는 우리나라 기업들이 독자적으로 NAOC의 입찰자격 사전 심사에 참가하는 것이 사실상 불가능한 실정임을 감안, KOTRA 라고스 무역관은 나이지리아의 대기업 그룹이자 우리나라 제품의 유력 바이어인 J. K. Peez Impex Nigeria Limited 사를 접촉, 우리나라 기업들과 공동으로 입찰자격 사전 심사에 참가하는 방안에 대해 협의한 바, J. K. Peez Impex 사로부터 긍정적인 반응을 얻어 냈음.


 Ο J. K. Peez Impex 사는 현재 MOBIL, Shell 및 AGIP 등과 같은 세계적인 석유 메이저들에게 나이지리아 내의 석유가스 관련 설비 및 서비스 등을 공급해 온 기업으로, 이번 입찰자격 사전심사 참가에 필요한 조건을 구비함.


 Ο 한편, 이번 입찰자격 사전심사 참가신청 마감일이 2007.2.15(목)로 촉박한 점을 감안할 때, 관심 있는 우리나라 기업들은 J. K. Peez Impex 사를 지급으로 접촉해야 할 것으로 판단됨.



□ 입찰자격 사전심사 주요 내용


 1. 발 주 처 : Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited(Operator of the NNPC/NAOC/PHILLIPS Oil Joint Venture)


 2. 명   칭 : Invitation for pre-qualification for EPC contract of BLNG upstream gas supply project(Plant and Flow Stations Upgrading and New Flow Station Construction)


 3. 개    


 Ο Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited(NAOC) intends to upgrade some of its facilities to meet the requirement of gas supply to a new LNG plant.


 Ο NAOC therefore invites submissions for the purposes of pre-qualification from reputable companies or consortia having the capability and experience in the execution of similar projects.


 Ο The contract strategy is to issue four(4) separate tender packages to cover the entire projects as shown below

  - EPC for Land Area Flow Stations Upgrading(KWALE, OSHIE and OB / OB)

  - EPC for Swamp Area Flow Stations Revamping(CLOUGH-CREEK and OBAMA)

  - EPC for Flow Stations Revamping in Unitized Area(SAMABRI-BISENI)

  - EPC for Flow Stations Upgrading in Unitized Area(AKRI-OGUTA)


 Ο As a result, four(4) EPC Contracts shall be awarded in line with the above strategy and the completion date of the activities is expected by the end of 2009. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company reserves the right to revise the Contract Strategy in terms of Scope of Work and/or number of EPC Contracts to be awarded.


 Ο The activities listed in item 4 below describe the Scope of Work, in respect of the revamping of each Flow Station and shall be carried out in compliance with Company directives and requirements.  Applicants are to note that each Flow Stations is independent of the other and their upgrading shall, therefore, be treated as a "stand alone" project.


 4. 작업범위(Scope of Work)


 Ο The Scope of Work involves the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of the facilities, which include but not limited to receiving facilities, arrival manifolds, Test & Production, Separators Glycol dehydration, Flare system, Fuel Gas System, Compressors, DCS, Switch Gear Room, ESD/ Drain Systems, etc.  The activities shall include but not limited to the following :

  - Verification of FEED provided by Company

  - Endorsement and subsequent implementation of FEED through Detail Engineering

  - Procurement of various material and equipment required for completing the Scope of Work and their transportation to sites(s)

  - Construction activities(Civil, mechanical, electrical and Instrument)

  - Commissioning, Start-up, and Testing of the facilities

  - Training of Company Personnel


 5. 사전심사(Pre-Qualification)


 Ο Only qualified Companies and/or Consortia shall be invited to competitively tender for the aforesaid Services.  For this purpose, applicants are requested to submit the documents listed below.  Every member of a consortium MUST also submit the documents.  Failure to submit the required documents may lead to disqualification of the Applicant.


  5-1. Documents and information to be submitted with respect to Land, Swamp and Unitized Areas Flow Stations

  - Detailed Company profile and organization including Parent Company

  - Detailed list of executed contracts in the last ten(10) years with their values

  - Applicant maximum work capacity and resources in Nigeria cumulative and by disciplines

  - Workload for the next three(3) years and spares capacity for main disciplines(i.e. engineering, project man, construction, etc)

  - Typical project organization structure, with key personnel CV

  - Copies of Certificate of Incorporation in Nigeria and DPR(Department of Petroleum Resources) permits for current year

  - Existing agreements with Nigerian Companies and details

  - Company's financial details and audited accounts for the last three(3) years(Banks and Auditors)

  - Nigerian Income Tax Clearance Certificate and VAT Registration Certificate

  - Proof that the applicant(Company or leader of Consortium) exceeds an annual turn over of One Hundred Million US Dollars(US$ 100 MM) per year for the last three(3) years

  - Company's detailed QA/QC Policy with ISO 9001 certification

  - Company's detailed HSE Policy and program, including safety records for the last three(3) years

  - Community relations management giving in detail how your Company has successfully handled community-related issues in the last three(3) years and propose to do so during the execution of the services

  - Any additional information to enhance the potentials of the applicant


 5-2. Additional Documents and information to be submitted with respect to Land Area Flow Stations only

  - Detailed list of similar executed contracts in the last ten(10) years and list of similar contract with value greater than US$100 MM

  - Proof that the Applicant(Company/Consortium) exceeds an annual turnover of US$ 100 MM per year in the last three(3) years


 5-3. Additional Documents and information to be submitted with respect to Swamp Area Flow Station only

  - Detailed list of similar executed contracts in the last ten(10) years and list of similar contract with value greater than US$ 100 MM

  - Proof that the Applicant(Company/Consortium) exceeds an annual turnover of US$ 100 MM per year in the last three(3) years


 5-4. Additional Documents and information to be submitted with respect to Samabri-Biseni Flow Station only

  - Detailed list of similar executed contracts in the last ten(10) years and list of similar contract with value greater than US$ 100 MM

  - Proof that the Applicant(Company/Consortium) exceeds an annual turnover of US$ 100 MM per year in the last three(3) years

 5-5. Additional Documents and information to be submitted with respect to Akri-Oguta Flow Station only

  - Detailed list of similar executed contracts in the last ten(10) years and list of similar contract with value greater than US$ 100 MM

  - Proof that the Applicant(Company/Consortium) exceeds an annual turnover of US$ 100 MM per year in the last three(3) years


6. 나이지리아 콘텐트(Nigerian Content)


 Ο Pursuant to the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and Federal Government's Directives on the Development of Nigerian Content, Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited is committed to the provision of opportunities to Nigerian capacity development.  Applicants are, therefore, required to state in their documentation, any proposed plans to comply with the Federal Government's Directives such as location of Detailed Engineering and project Procurement Centre in-country, fabrications of all the scopes in-country as well as the maximization of in-country resources in the attainment of minimum of 45% in 2006 and 70% in 2010 in monetary values.  Any Contractor that does not fully comply with the Federal Government's Directives on Nigerian Content will be disqualified as non-compliance with Nigerian Content requirements during evaluation is a "Fatal Flaw".  Applicants MUST therefore

  - Provide exact description of place to domicile procurement centre in Nigeria.  Submission of an organization chart to substantiate this information and address of location

  - Give outline and nature of goods, materials or consumables envisaged to be procured in Nigeria.

  - Advise the percentage of work scope to be conducted by Nigerian personnel/engineers with names and CV.

  - Describe specific programmes in place to transfer technology and skills to Nigerian businesses during the execution of the Work.

  - Describe in details, which of the following options you intend to pursue while carrying out detailed engineering in Nigeria.

  * Partnership/Joint Venture evidence of relationship in form of an MOU or pre-bid agreement signed by chief executive of the companies.  Such MOUs or pre-bid agreements shall include detailed scope of work and man- hours(provide name and address).

  * Own Engineering Firm/ Division

  * Others(provide details)

  - Give location in Nigeria where you intend to locate and conduct FEED verification and detailed Engineering.

  - Provide details of the engineering manning plan by location and resources type.

  - Specify location in Nigeria where you intend to locate project management team and procurement center.

  - Give details of contractor's project management and procurement (including purchasing) manning plan by location and resources type.

  - State the location in Nigeria where you intend to catty out fabrication.  List anticipated items to be fabricated in the Fabrication Yard, if subcontracted evidence of relationship in form of an MOU or pre-bid agreement signed by Chief executive of the companies.  Such MOUs or pre-bid agreements shall include estimated list of items to be fabricated(provide name and address).

  - Give details of training plan for Nigerians on engineering, project management, procurement fabrication(welding), etc.  Plan should include all softwares to be used, number of personnel, name of organization providing such trains, location of such training.  Attached detail evidence of past training records.

  - Describe all work that Company proposes could be accomplished using Nigerian resources(human and materials) as well as name and address of potential companies and subcontractors.  MOU or Pre-bid agreement listing scope of work is neccessary.

  - Provide details of the Company's Nigerian Content execution plan for full compliance with Nigerian Content Directive of 13th December 2005 on this project.

  - Provide further innovative proposals that would enhance the development of Nigerian Content on this project.

  - Provide evidence that certification of welding procedures and welders will be conducted in Nigeria.  Advise who the certifying authorities will be.


 7. 제출방법 및 제출기한


 Ο The pre-qualification documents shall be submitted in a SINGLE envelope sealed and marked “CONFIDENTIAL”- “BLNG UPSTREAM GAS SUPPLY PROJECT - EPC for FLOW STATIONS”, and should reach the address given below on or before Thursday, February 15, 2007.

  - The General Manager District

  - Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited

  - Mile 4, Ikwerre Road,

  - P.O. Box 923, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

  - Tel : 234-84) 236 400~19(20 Lines)

  - Fax : 234-84) 236 993



  - 대표자명 : Chief P. N. Ojiaka, Executive Chairman

  -       소 : 78A Isale Eko Avenue, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos

  - 전화번호 : 234-1) 269 4164, 269 3207, 774 4545, 288 0239

                     234-803) 402 0894

  - 팩스번호 : 234-1) 269 3776

  - 홈페이지 : www.jkpeez.com

  - 이 메 일 : penn@jkpeez.com

  - 설립 연도 : 1996

  - 등록번호 : RC 85361

  - 종업원수 : 102명

  - 주요품목 : Oil field supplies and engineering services

  - 자 본 금 : US$10만

  - 연간매출 : US$1000만

  - 수입품목 : General oil field services equipment

  - 수입국가 : 미국, 영국, 독일

  - 연간수입 : US$100만



정보원 : Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited


<저작권자 : ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA 해외시장뉴스>

공공누리 제 4유형(출처표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지) - 공공저작물 자유이용허락

KOTRA의 저작물인 (나이지리아 AGIP, 가스공급 프로젝트 입찰자격 사전심사 실시)의 경우 ‘공공누리 제4 유형: 출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지’ 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 다만, 사진, 이미지의 경우 제3자에게 저작권이 있으므로 사용할 수 없습니다.

국가별 주요산업


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