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인도네시아 LED 램프 시장동향(2014.6)
  • 상품DB
  • 인도네시아
  • 자카르타무역관 김주선
  • 2016-02-29
  • 출처 : KOTRA
Keyword #LED램프


작성일자: 2014.6.26

작성자: 자카르타 무역관 Kim Eun Hee(ehkim@kotra.or.kr), Ruth Duhita(ruth@kotra.or.id)



1. Market Overview


 ○ Indonesia is one of the largest markets for the sale of Light Emitting Diode(LED) in the world. In addition has a very large population(over 240 million), it is also influenced by the growth of middle class and to participate in public awareness of energy saving.


 ○ According to the experts of industry of LED in the country, the consumption of light bulbs of LED in 2014 is predicted will grow 233% from 12 million units to 40 million units as the increasing public demand.


Consumption of Electric Lamps in Indonesia

        Note: * Preliminary

        Source: PT PLN, ESDM, Electricity R &D Center, etc.


 ○ LED lighting market is expected to reach 40 million units since there is a cheap electricity program for additional 3.47 million customers in Indonesia by the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources(ESDM). The existence of a new electricity connection program and cheap and saving electricity program of course will shown that there is a pretty good market to the market of lighting products, especially LED. The new subscribers of PLN automatically will require lighting for their house.


The Plan in Adding New PLN’s Subscribers in 2014

Source: Directorate General of Electricity, Minsitry of Energy and Mineral Resources.


 ○ Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Lighting Industry(Aperlindo), John Manoppo, stated that the use of LED lights will shift the use of energy saving lamp(CFL) which is along this time targeting the domestic market to 95%.


Map of Energy Saving Lamps / Compact Fluorescent Lamp Consumption in Indonesia, 2012

         Source: PT PLN, ESDM, Electricity R &D Center, and other Sources


 ○ According to him, the presence of LED lights that offer more efficient than CFL and prices are more affordable by the consumers, and then the LED lamps demand will continue to grow each year.


 ○ He said that the LED lights will be increasingly in demand by the consumer because have a longer lifetime than the CFL. John added that the mercury content in the LED light is not available anymore hence LED is categorized as environmentally friendly products.


Lighting Industry Roadmap in Indonesia

      Source: Ministry of Industry



2. Competition Trend


 ○ The competition on the LED lamps is very tight. This is due to the products are not only supplied by local, but also from import.


 ○ The great potential presented in the Indonesian market has attracted many new brands entering the market in bid to tap into the growing demand. In the first quarter of 2013, GfK, the global leading market research company, recorded 27 LED lamp brands with a total of 138 Stock Keeping Units(SKU) being sold and by the last quarter of the year, this number widened by around 70 percent. To date, there are more than 46 brands international and local brands with around 237 SKUs.

  - Notes:

   · Survey period: Jan – Dec 2013

   · Survey covers eight key cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Medan, Makassar, Banjarmasin, and Denpasar

   · Channels tracked include Electro Material Stores, Lamp Specialist, DIY Stores, and Hypermarkets.

   · Lamp types covered: Compact fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, Incandescent


 ○ John Manoppo admitted that production of LED lamps is not many, but some manufacturers became interested in producing LED lights. Some local invested producers such as PT Sinar Angkasa Rungkut(Chiyoda) in Surabaya, PT Pancaran Indonesia(Cahaya) in Tangerang, PT SuRE Indonesia(Kunang) in Tangerang and PT Sentosa Elektrik(Keibu) in Bandung.


 ○ However, the major brands those are popular in the market still products that are produced by multinational companies such as Philips, Panasonic and Osram. While for local brand is Chiyoda.


 ○ CFL & LED lamps manufacturers in Indonesia are:




3. Price of LED Lamps


Price of LED Lamps(March 2014)



4. Exhibition


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